Friday, April 10, 2009

Runner Girl

One of the things I love most about living in the city is the ability to run forever and never get bored. You see, for those of you who do not know me, I'm a runner. While the clothes aren't so cute (the biggest fashion debate is Under Armor vs. Nike), it allows me the opportunity to be with myself and my thoughts. So I've decided to share the wealth and post some views from my running routes...the first being the inner harbor route :)

This route is about 6.5 miles and on a sunny 70 degree day, it's absolutely beautiful. Here's my starting point, my neighborhood in Federal Hill.

After running by all the townie bars and downtown Federal Hill, I finally make it to the inner harbor (which was ridiculously crowded today for unknown reasons...spring break?).

After running around the harbor, I get to my favorite part of the inner harbor run...the path through my dream neighborhood, the "Harbor View Community". It will be mine. Oh yes. It will be mine.

To complete the run, I run by the ever popular Domino Sugar sign...perhaps you recognize it from "He's Just Not That Into You"?

Hope you enjoyed the view! Next up, my Fort McHenry route, where I get to look at lots of hot rowers! ;)

1 comment:

LadyRed said...

A comprehensive look at the Glove Run Route. Nice. Maybe one day you wouldn't mind taking a relaxed jog with me on your route. We can stop in the middle for ice cream and shoe shopping ; )