Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Want My MTV...

I admit it. I am in my late twenties and I still watch MTV. Not just one show, but several...The Hills, The City, Road Rules/Real World Challenge, Real World, Making the Band, etc, etc, etc. I try to justify my love for The Hills & The City by saying I'm watching it for fashion, hair, and make-up ideas, but in actuality, I addicted to the drama. So good. My other MTV favs are usually kept a secret because they're pretty embarrassing. Especially Making the Band, there's no logical explanation as to why I love P. Diddy (Puff, Puffy, Diddy, Diddy Combs, Sean John, Diddy Doo Doo).

Anyway, while watching The Hills Monday night I saw the first 2009 MTV Movie Awards Promo! Guess who's hosting?!?! My crush :)

Mark your calendars - MTV Movie Awards are May 31st!

1 comment:

Denise said...

I have to admit, I watch very little tv but the one channel I always have on is MTV!