Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Courageous Conversations

In the beginning of April, I attended a seminar entitled "Courageous Conversations" for work. Let me tell you, this was so worth the money! Not only can I apply it to work, but my personal life as well. The speaker Margie Warrell was so engaging and inspirational. She gave us all 2 take aways; her book "Find Your Courage! Unleash Your Full Potential & Live the Life You Really Want" and a business card with her 10 Commandments of Courage. I'd like to take this opportunity to share the Commandments with you :)

1. Trust Yourself - No matter what happens, you can handle it. You are capably of more than you think you are.

2. Question Assumptions - The only limits you have are those you place on yourself. Assumptions are the death of possibilities.

3. Do What's Right - Be true to yourself above everything else. Integrity is the only path upon which you will never get lost.

4. Stop Complaining - You can't solve your problems by wining about them. Focus on what you want, not on what you don't.

5. Thing Bigger - Set your sights high and know that if you can dream it, you can do it. All great accomplishments first begin in the imagination.

6. Resist Conformity - Don't surrender to the opinions of others. Express your individuality. Be your own person. Forge your own path.

7. Speak Up - If there's something you really want to say, chances are someone really needs to hear it. Be brave in your conversations.

8. Don't Quit - Success demands perseverance. Setbacks are merely opportunities to show the universe what you're made of. Press on. Keep faith.

9. Say No - Say no to the good to make room for the great. Don't succumb to people-pleasing at the expense of your own sanity and fulfillment.

10. Take Action - Nothing great has ever been achieved without risk. So acknowledge your fear and do it anyway. Fortune favors the bold!

Hope this helps you as much as it did me!! :)

You can follow Margie Warrell on twitter!

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